7 clinics in Athens - 40 lasers ready to serve you!
KRL – Alexandrite laser hair removal & Aesthetics
KRLs are the benchmark for Alexandrite laser hair removal.We use only the most modern and certified equipment, ensuring amazing results thanks to our ten years of experience and our experienced staff. We offer treatments based on your skin needs at competitive prices.
Environmental factors, such as sunlight, and hormonal changes can affect the skin, but with our innovative methods, we address these challenges, offering you a renewed and radiant complexion.
Our team at KRL MEDICAL, consists of leading specialized professionals for the Alexandrite laser. KRL has developed into one of the best centers aesthetic procedures that feature only FDA-approved lasers and other advanced treatments, offeringitems oriented towards skin care but also the total contouring of the body.
Our philosophy.....
We believe our first responsibility is to patients, doctors and nurses, mothers, fathers and everyone who uses our services and products. To meet their needs, everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to offer value, reduce the cost of our products and keep prices reasonable. Our services must be performed consistently and accurately. Our medical partners must be allowed to make a reasonable profit.
We are accountable to our employees, who work with us in all our practices. We must provide an inclusive work environment where each person is treated as an individual. We must respect the diversity and dignity of everyone and recognize their value. Everyone should have a sense of security, satisfaction and purpose in their work. Their remuneration must be fair and adequate and the working environment clean, orderly and safe. We must support the health and well-being of our employees and help them meet family and other personal responsibilities. Employees should feel free to make suggestions and complaints. There must be equal employment opportunities for growth and development for those who deserve it. We must have leaders of high ability and their actions be just and ethical.
We are responsible to the communities where we live and work and to society in general. We must be good citizens, support the improvement of health and education and pay the taxes that we they correspond.
Our last obligation is to our shareholders. Businesses must make reasonable profits. We need to experiment with new ideas and research is constantly being conducted so that innovative programs are developed and if mistakes are made, mistakes are paid for. New machinery must be purchased, new facilities provided and new services produced. Financial reserves must be built up to weather difficult times. As long as we act according to these principles we consider ourselves to be providing practical and worthwhile work.